2015-07-14 APRA Response for individual's post retirement information
There is no description for this dataset
2015-07-14 APRA response for information re Central Coventry Firefighter_Redacted
There is no description for this dataset
2015-07-23 APRA Response for correspondence re PE managers and SEC or IRS_Redacted
There is no description for this dataset
2015-07-17 APRA Response for Escheated checks list_Redacted
There is no description for this dataset
2015-07-17 APRA Response for Escheated Checks list_
There is no description for this dataset
2015-07-24 APRA response for Deferred Compensation Quarterly Report_Redacted
There is no description for this dataset
2015-07-17 APRA Response for Escheated Checks list
There is no description for this dataset
2015-07-17 APRA response for investment data_Redacted
There is no description for this dataset
2015-07-24 APRA response for Rhode ISland Lead Abatement fund_Redacted
There is no description for this dataset
2015-08-14 APRA Response for information re Sovereign Wealth Funds_Redacted
There is no description for this dataset
2015-08-14 APRA Resposne for NAPPA Correspondence_Redacted
There is no description for this dataset
2015-08-19 APRA Response for Retiree data 2014_Redacted
There is no description for this dataset
2015-08-21 APRA response for loan information AMEx building_Redacted
There is no description for this dataset
2015-11 State Investment Commission Report and Materials - November 2015
State Investment Commission Report and associated materials - October 2015 -
2015 GASB 68
Materials for 2015 GASB 68 fund information. -
2015-01-08 APRA Response Disability Pension Payments
Request and response for payments to individuals receiving disability pension payments -
2015-06-19 APRA Response for Investment Data Alternative Investments
There is no description for this dataset
2015-02 - ERSRI Retirement Board Meeting - February 2015
February 2015 retirement board book -
2015-03 - ERSRI Retirement Board Meeting - March 2015
March 2015 retirement board meeting -
2015-10 - ERSRI Retirement Board Meeting - October 2015
October 2015 retirement board meeting